

prefix \(ˈ)nän also ˌnən or ˈnən before ˈ-stressed syllable, ˌnän also ˌnən before ˌ-stressed or unstressed syllable; the variant with ə is also to be understood at pronounced entries, though not shown\

: not

Full Definition of NON-

:  not :  other than :  reverse of :  absence of <nontoxic> <nonlinear>
:  of little or no consequence :  unimportant :  worthless <nonissues> <nonsystem>
:  lacking the usual especially positive characteristics of the thing specified <noncelebration> <nonart>
  1. non·abra·sive
  2. non·ab·sorb·able
  3. non·ab·sor·bent
  4. non·ab·sorp·tive
  5. non·ab·stract
  6. non·ac·a·dem·ic
  7. non·ac·cep·tance
  8. non·ac·count·able
  9. non·ac·cred·it·ed
  10. non·ac·cru·al
  11. non·achieve·ment
  12. non·ac·id
  13. non·acid·ic
  14. non·ac·quis·i·tive
  15. non·act·ing
  16. non·ac·tion
  17. non·ac·ti·vat·ed
  18. non·ac·tor
  19. non·adap·tive
  20. non·ad·dict
  21. non·ad·dic·tive
  22. non·ad·he·sive
  23. non·adi·a·bat·ic
  24. non·ad·ja·cent
  25. non·ad·mir·er
  26. non·ad·mis·sion
  27. non·aero·sol
  28. non·aes·thet·ic
  29. non·af·fil·i·at·ed
  30. non·af·flu·ent
  31. non–Af·ri·can
  32. non·ag·gres·sion
  33. non·ag·gres·sive
  34. non·ag·ri·cul·tur·al
  35. non·al·co·hol·ic
  36. non·al·ler·gen·ic
  37. non·al·ler·gic
  38. non·al·pha·bet·ic
  39. non·alu·mi·num
  40. non·am·big·u·ous
  41. non–Amer·i·can
  42. non·an·a·lyt·ic
  43. non·an·a·tom·ic
  44. non·an·i·mal
  45. non·an·swer
  46. non·an·tag·o·nis·tic
  47. non·an·thro·po·log·i·cal
  48. non·an·thro·pol·o·gist
  49. non·an·ti·bi·ot·ic
  50. non·an·ti·gen·ic
  51. non·ap·pear·ance
  52. non·aquat·ic
  53. non·aque·ous
  54. non·ar·a·ble
  55. non·ar·bi·trar·i·ness
  56. non·ar·bi·trary
  57. non·ar·chi·tect
  58. non·ar·chi·tec·ture
  59. non·ar·gu·ment
  60. non·aris·to·crat·ic
  61. non·ar·o·mat·ic
  62. non·art
  63. non·art·ist
  64. non·ar·tis·tic
  65. non·as·cet·ic
  66. non·as·pi·rin
  67. non·as·ser·tive
  68. non·as·so·ci·at·ed
  69. non·as·tro·nom·i·cal
  70. non·ath·lete
  71. non·ath·let·ic
  72. non·atom·ic
  73. non·at·tached
  74. non·at·tach·ment
  75. non·at·ten·dance
  76. non·at·tend·er
  77. non·au·di·to·ry
  78. non·au·thor
  79. non·au·thor·i·tar·i·an
  80. non·au·to·mat·ed
  81. non·au·to·mat·ic
  82. non·au·to·mo·tive
  83. non·au·ton·o·mous
  84. non·avail·abil·i·ty
  85. non·bac·te·ri·al
  86. non·bar·bi·tu·rate
  87. non·bary·on·ic
  88. non·ba·sic
  89. non·bear·ing
  90. non·be·hav·ior·al
  91. non·be·ing
  92. non·be·lief
  93. non·be·liev·er
  94. non·bel·lig·er·en·cy
  95. non·bel·lig·er·ent
  96. non·bet·ting
  97. non·bib·li·cal
  98. non·bib·lio·graph·ic
  99. non·bi·na·ry
  100. non·bind·ing
  101. non·bio·de·grad·able
  102. non·bio·graph·i·cal
  103. non·bi·o·log·i·cal
  104. non·bi·o·log·i·cal·ly
  105. non·bi·ol·o·gist
  106. non·bit·ing
  107. non·black
  108. non·body
  109. non·bond·ed
  110. non·bot·a·nist
  111. non·brand
  112. non·break·able
  113. non·breath·ing
  114. non·breed·er
  115. non·breed·ing
  116. non·broad·cast
  117. non·build·ing
  118. non·burn·able
  119. non·buy·ing
  120. non·cab·i·net
  121. non·cak·ing
  122. non·call·able
  123. non·cam·pus
  124. non·can·cel·able
  125. non·can·cer·ous
  126. non·can·ni·bal·is·tic
  127. non·ca·non·i·cal
  128. non·cap·i·tal
  129. non·cap·i·tal·ist
  130. non·car·cin·o·gen
  131. non·car·ci·no·gen·ic
  132. non·car·di·ac
  133. non·ca·reer
  134. non·car·ri·er
  135. non·cash
  136. non·ca·su·al
  137. non–Cath·o·lic
  138. non·caus·al
  139. non·cel·e·bra·tion
  140. non·ce·leb·ri·ty
  141. non·cel·lu·lar
  142. non·cel·lu·los·ic
  143. non–Celt·ic
  144. non·cen·tral
  145. non·cer·tif·i·cat·ed
  146. non·cer·ti·fied
  147. non·char·ac·ter
  148. non·char·is·mat·ic
  149. non·chau·vin·ist
  150. non·chem·i·cal
  151. non–Chris·tian
  152. non·chro·no·log·i·cal
  153. non·church
  154. non·church·go·er
  155. non·cir·cu·lar
  156. non·cir·cu·lat·ing
  157. non·cit·i·zen
  158. non·clan·des·tine
  159. non·class
  160. non·clas·si·cal
  161. non·clas·si·fied
  162. non·class·room
  163. non·cler·i·cal
  164. non·cling
  165. non·clin·i·cal
  166. non·clog·ging
  167. non·co·er·cive
  168. non·cog·ni·tive
  169. non·co·her·ent
  170. non·co·in·ci·dence
  171. non·co·i·tal
  172. non·cok·ing
  173. non·co·la
  174. non·col·lec·tor
  175. non·col·lege
  176. non·col·le·giate
  177. non·col·lin·ear
  178. non·col·or
  179. non·col·ored
  180. non·col·or·fast
  181. non·com·bat
  182. non·com·bat·ive
  183. non·com·bus·ti·ble
  184. non·com·mer·cial
  185. non·com·mit·ment
  186. non·com·mit·ted
  187. non·com·mu·ni·cat·ing
  188. non·com·mu·ni·ca·tion
  189. non·com·mu·ni·ca·tive
  190. non·com·mu·nist
  191. non·com·mu·ni·ty
  192. non·com·mu·ta·tive
  193. non·com·mu·ta·tiv·i·ty
  194. non·com·pa·ra·bil·i·ty
  195. non·com·pa·ra·ble
  196. non·com·pat·i·ble
  197. non·com·pe·ti·tion
  198. non·com·pet·i·tive
  199. non·com·pet·i·tor
  200. non·com·ple·men·ta·ry
  201. non·com·plex
  202. non·com·pli·ance
  203. non·com·pli·ant
  204. non·com·pli·cat·ed
  205. non·com·ply·ing
  206. non·com·pos·er
  207. non·com·pound
  208. non·com·pre·hen·sion
  209. non·com·press·ible
  210. non·com·put·er
  211. non·com·put·er·ized
  212. non·con·cep·tu·al
  213. non·con·cern
  214. non·con·clu·sion
  215. non·con·cur·rent
  216. non·con·dens·able
  217. non·con·di·tioned
  218. non·con·duct·ing
  219. non·con·duc·tion
  220. non·con·duc·tive
  221. non·con·fer·ence
  222. non·con·fi·dence
  223. non·con·fi·den·tial
  224. non·con·flict·ing
  225. non·con·fron·ta·tion
  226. non·con·fron·ta·tion·al
  227. non·con·gru·ent
  228. non·con·ju·gat·ed
  229. non·con·nec·tion
  230. non·con·scious
  231. non·con·sec·u·tive
  232. non·con·sen·su·al
  233. non·con·ser·va·tion
  234. non·con·ser·va·tive
  235. non·con·sol·i·dat·ed
  236. non·con·stant
  237. non·con·sti·tu·tion·al
  238. non·con·struc·tion
  239. non·con·struc·tive
  240. non·con·sum·er
  241. non·con·sum·ing
  242. non·con·sump·tion
  243. non·con·sump·tive
  244. non·con·tact
  245. non·con·ta·gious
  246. non·con·tem·po·rary
  247. non·con·tig·u·ous
  248. non·con·tin·gent
  249. non·con·tin·u·ous
  250. non·con·tract
  251. non·con·trac·tu·al
  252. non·con·tra·dic·tion
  253. non·con·tra·dic·to·ry
  254. non·con·trib·u·to·ry
  255. non·con·trol·la·ble
  256. non·con·trolled
  257. non·con·trol·ling
  258. non·con·tro·ver·sial
  259. non·con·ven·tion·al
  260. non·con·vert·ible
  261. non·co·pla·nar
  262. non·core
  263. non·cor·po·rate
  264. non·cor·re·la·tion
  265. non·cor·rod·ible
  266. non·cor·rod·ing
  267. non·cor·ro·sive
  268. non·coun·try
  269. non·coun·ty
  270. non·cov·er·age
  271. non·cre·a·tive
  272. non·cre·a·tiv·i·ty
  273. non·cre·den·tialed
  274. non·crime
  275. non·crim·i·nal
  276. non·cri·sis
  277. non·crit·i·cal
  278. non·crush·able
  279. non·crys·tal·line
  280. non·cu·li·nary
  281. non·cul·ti·vat·ed
  282. non·cul·ti·va·tion
  283. non·cul·tur·al
  284. non·cu·mu·la·tive
  285. non·cur·rent
  286. non·cus·tom·er
  287. non·cy·clic
  288. non·cy·cli·cal
  289. non·dance
  290. non·danc·er
  291. non–Dar·win·i·an
  292. non·de·cep·tive
  293. non·de·ci·sion
  294. non·de·creas·ing
  295. non·de·duc·tive
  296. non·de·fense
  297. non·de·fer·ra·ble
  298. non·de·form·ing
  299. non·de·gen·er·ate
  300. non·de·grad·able
  301. non·de·gree
  302. non·del·e·gate
  303. non·de·lib·er·ate
  304. non·de·lin·quent
  305. non·de·liv·ery
  306. non·de·mand·ing
  307. non·dem·o·crat·ic
  308. non·de·nom·i·na·tion·al
  309. non·de·nom·i·na·tion·al·ism
  310. non·de·part·men·tal
  311. non·de·pen·dent
  312. non·de·plet·able
  313. non·de·plet·ing
  314. non·de·po·si·tion
  315. non·de·pressed
  316. non·de·riv·a·tive
  317. non·de·scrip·tive
  318. non·de·sert
  319. non·de·tach·able
  320. non·de·ter·min·is·tic
  321. non·de·vel·op·ment
  322. non·de·vi·ant
  323. non·di·a·bet·ic
  324. non·di·a·lyz·able
  325. non·di·dac·tic
  326. non·dif·fus·ible
  327. non·di·men·sion·al
  328. non·dip·lo·mat·ic
  329. non·di·rect·ed
  330. non·di·rec·tion·al
  331. non·dis·abled
  332. non·dis·clo·sure
  333. non·dis·count
  334. non·dis·cre·tion·ary
  335. non·dis·crim·i·na·tion
  336. non·dis·crim·i·na·to·ry
  337. non·dis·cur·sive
  338. non·dis·per·sive
  339. non·dis·rup·tive
  340. non·di·ver·si·fied
  341. non·doc·tor
  342. non·doc·tri·naire
  343. non·doc·u·men·ta·ry
  344. non·dog·mat·ic
  345. non·dol·lar
  346. non·do·mes·tic
  347. non·dom·i·nant
  348. non·dra·mat·ic
  349. non·driv·er
  350. non·drug
  351. non·du·ra·ble
  352. non·earn·ing
  353. non·ec·cle·si·as·ti·cal
  354. non·econ·o·mist
  355. non·ed·i·ble
  356. non·ed·i·to·ri·al
  357. non·ed·u·ca·tion
  358. non·ed·u·ca·tion·al
  359. non·ef·fec·tive
  360. non·elas·tic
  361. non·elect·ed
  362. non·elec·tion
  363. non·elec·tive
  364. non·elec·tric
  365. non·elec·tri·cal
  366. non·elec·tron·ic
  367. non·el·e·men·ta·ry
  368. non·elite
  369. non·emer·gen·cy
  370. non·emo·tion·al
  371. non·em·phat·ic
  372. non·em·pir·i·cal
  373. non·em·ploy·ee
  374. non·em·ploy·ment
  375. non·emp·ty
  376. non·en·cap·su·lat·ed
  377. non·end·ing
  378. non·en·er·gy
  379. non·en·force·abil·i·ty
  380. non·en·force·ment
  381. non·en·gage·ment
  382. non·en·gi·neer·ing
  383. non·en·ter·tain·ment
  384. non·en·zy·mat·ic
  385. non·en·zy·mic
  386. non·equi·lib·ri·um
  387. non·equiv·a·lence
  388. non·equiv·a·lent
  389. non·erot·ic
  390. non·es·tab·lished
  391. non·es·tab·lish·ment
  392. non·es·ter·i·fied
  393. non·eth·i·cal
  394. non·eth·nic
  395. non–Eu·ro·pe·an
  396. non·eval·u·a·tive
  397. non·ev·i·dence
  398. non·ex·clu·sive
  399. non·ex·ec·u·tive
  400. non·ex·empt
  401. non·ex·is·ten·tial
  402. non·ex·ot·ic
  403. non·ex·pend·able
  404. non·ex·per·i·men·tal
  405. non·ex·pert
  406. non·ex·plan·a·to·ry
  407. non·ex·ploi·ta·tion
  408. non·ex·ploit·a·tive
  409. non·ex·ploit·ive
  410. non·ex·plo·sive
  411. non·ex·posed
  412. non·ex·tant
  413. non·fact
  414. non·fac·tor
  415. non·fac·tu·al
  416. non·fac·ul·ty
  417. non·fad·ing
  418. non·fa·mil·ial
  419. non·fam·i·ly
  420. non·fan
  421. non·farm
  422. non·farm·er
  423. non·fa·tal
  424. non·fat·ten·ing
  425. non·fat·ty
  426. non·fed·er·al
  427. non·fed·er·at·ed
  428. non·fem·i·nist
  429. non·fil·a·men·tous
  430. non·fil·ter·able
  431. non·fi·nal
  432. non·fi·nan·cial
  433. non·fi·nite
  434. non·fis·sion·able
  435. non·flu·o·res·cent
  436. non·fly·ing
  437. non·food
  438. non·for·feit·able
  439. non·for·fei·ture
  440. non·for·mal
  441. non·fos·sil
  442. non·frat·er·ni·za·tion
  443. non·freez·ing
  444. non·friv·o·lous
  445. non·fro·zen
  446. non·fuel
  447. non·ful·fill·ment
  448. non·func·tion·al
  449. non·func·tion·ing
  450. non·game
  451. non·gas·eous
  452. non·gay
  453. non·ge·net·ic
  454. non·gen·i·tal
  455. non·geo·met·ri·cal
  456. non·ghet·to
  457. non·glam·or·ous
  458. non·glare
  459. non·golf·er
  460. non·gov·ern·ment
  461. non·gov·ern·men·tal
  462. non·grad·ed
  463. non·grad·u·ate
  464. non·gram·mat·i·cal
  465. non·gran·u·lar
  466. non·grav·i·ta·tion·al
  467. non·greasy
  468. non·gre·gar·i·ous
  469. non·grow·ing
  470. non·growth
  471. non·guest
  472. non·ha·lo·ge·nat·ed
  473. non·hand·i·capped
  474. non·hap·pen·ing
  475. non·har·dy
  476. non·har·mon·ic
  477. non·haz·ard·ous
  478. non·heme
  479. non·he·mo·lyt·ic
  480. non·he·red·i·tary
  481. non·het·ero·sex·u·al
  482. non·hi·er·ar·chi·cal
  483. non–His·pan·ic
  484. non·his·tor·i·cal
  485. non·home
  486. non·ho·mo·ge·neous
  487. non·ho·mol·o·gous
  488. non·ho·mo·sex·u·al
  489. non·hor·mon·al
  490. non·hos·pi·tal
  491. non·hos·pi·tal·ized
  492. non·hos·tile
  493. non·hous·ing
  494. non·hu·man
  495. non·hunt·er
  496. non·hunt·ing
  497. non·hy·gro·scop·ic
  498. non·hys·ter·i·cal
  499. non·ide·al
  500. non·iden·ti·ty
  501. non·ideo·log·i·cal
  502. non·im·age
  503. non·im·i·ta·tive
  504. non·im·mi·grant
  505. non·im·mune
  506. non·im·pact
  507. non·im·pli·ca·tion
  508. non·im·por·ta·tion
  509. non·in·clu·sion
  510. non·in·creas·ing
  511. non·in·cum·bent
  512. non·in·de·pen·dence
  513. non–In·di·an
  514. non·in·dig·e·nous
  515. non·in·di·vid·u·al
  516. non–In·do–Eu·ro·pe·an
  517. non·in·dus·tri·al
  518. non·in·dus·tri·al·ized
  519. non·in·dus·try
  520. non·in·fect·ed
  521. non·in·fec·tious
  522. non·in·fec·tive
  523. non·in·fest·ed
  524. non·in·flam·ma·ble
  525. non·in·flam·ma·to·ry
  526. non·in·fla·tion·ary
  527. non·in·flec·tion·al
  528. non·in·flu·ence
  529. non·in·for·ma·tion
  530. non·in·fringe·ment
  531. non·ini·tial
  532. non·ini·ti·ate
  533. non·in·ju·ry
  534. non·in·sect
  535. non·in·sec·ti·cid·al
  536. non·in·stall·ment
  537. non·in·sti·tu·tion·al
  538. non·in·sti·tu·tion·al·ized
  539. non·in·struc·tion·al
  540. non·in·stru·men·tal
  541. non·in·sur·ance
  542. non·in·sured
  543. non·in·te·gral
  544. non·in·te·grat·ed
  545. non·in·tel·lec·tu·al
  546. non·in·ter·act·ing
  547. non·in·ter·ac·tive
  548. non·in·ter·change·able
  549. non·in·ter·course
  550. non·in·ter·est
  551. non·in·ter·fer·ence
  552. non·in·ter·sect·ing
  553. non·in·tim·i·dat·ing
  554. non·in·tox·i·cant
  555. non·in·tox·i·cat·ing
  556. non·in·tru·sive
  557. non·in·tu·i·tive
  558. non·ion·iz·ing
  559. non·ir·ra·di·at·ed
  560. non·ir·ri·gat·ed
  561. non·ir·ri·tant
  562. non·ir·ri·tat·ing
  563. non–Jap·a·nese
  564. non–Jew
  565. non–Jew·ish
  566. non·join·er
  567. non·ju·di·cial
  568. non·ju·ry
  569. non·jus·ti·cia·ble
  570. non·ko·sher
  571. non·la·bor
  572. non·land·own·er
  573. non·lan·guage
  574. non·law·yer
  575. non·lead·ed
  576. non·league
  577. non·le·gal
  578. non·le·gume
  579. non·le·gu·mi·nous
  580. non·le·thal
  581. non·lex·i·cal
  582. non·li·brar·i·an
  583. non·li·brary
  584. non·life
  585. non·lin·e·al
  586. non·lin·e·ar
  587. non·lin·e·ar·i·ty
  588. non·lin·guis·tic
  589. non·liq·uid
  590. non·lit·er·al
  591. non·lit·er·ary
  592. non·liv·ing
  593. non·lo·cal
  594. non·log·i·cal
  595. non·lu·mi·nous
  596. non·mag·net·ic
  597. non·main·stream
  598. non·ma·jor
  599. non·ma·lig·nant
  600. non·mal·lea·ble
  601. non·mam·ma·li·an
  602. non·man·age·ment
  603. non·man·a·ge·ri·al
  604. non·man·u·al
  605. non·man·u·fac·tur·ing
  606. non·mar·i·tal
  607. non·mar·ket
  608. non–Marx·ist
  609. non·ma·te·ri·al
  610. non·ma·te·ri·al·is·tic
  611. non·math·e·mat·i·cal
  612. non·math·e·ma·ti·cian
  613. non·ma·tric·u·lat·ed
  614. non·mean·ing·ful
  615. non·mea·sur·able
  616. non·meat
  617. non·me·chan·i·cal
  618. non·mech·a·nis·tic
  619. non·med·i·cal
  620. non·meet·ing
  621. non·mem·ber
  622. non·mem·ber·ship
  623. non·men·tal
  624. non·mer·cu·ri·al
  625. non·meta·mer·ic
  626. non·met·a·phor·i·cal
  627. non·met·ric
  628. non·met·ri·cal
  629. non·met·ro
  630. non·met·ro·pol·i·tan
  631. non·mi·cro·bi·al
  632. non·mi·grant
  633. non·mi·gra·to·ry
  634. non·mil·i·tant
  635. non·mil·i·tary
  636. non·mi·met·ic
  637. non·mi·nor·i·ty
  638. non·mo·bile
  639. non·mo·lec·u·lar
  640. non·mon·e·tar·ist
  641. non·mon·e·tary
  642. non·mon·ey
  643. non·mo·nog·a·mous
  644. non·mo·tile
  645. non·mo·tor·ized
  646. non·mov·ing
  647. non·mu·nic·i·pal
  648. non·mu·sic
  649. non·mu·si·cal
  650. non·mu·si·cian
  651. non–Mus·lim
  652. non·mu·tant
  653. non·my·e·lin·at·ed
  654. non·mys·ti·cal
  655. non·nar·ra·tive
  656. non·na·tion·al
  657. non·na·tive
  658. non·nat·u·ral
  659. non·ne·ces·si·ty
  660. non·neg·li·gent
  661. non·ne·go·tia·ble
  662. non·net·work
  663. non·neu·ral
  664. non·news
  665. non·ni·trog·e·nous
  666. non·nor·ma·tive
  667. non·nov·el
  668. non·nu·cle·at·ed
  669. non·nu·mer·i·cal
  670. non·nu·tri·tious
  671. non·nu·tri·tive
  672. non·ob·scene
  673. non·ob·ser·vance
  674. non·ob·ser·vant
  675. non·ob·vi·ous
  676. non·oc·cu·pa·tion·al
  677. non·oc·cur·rence
  678. non·of·fi·cial
  679. non·ohm·ic
  680. non·oily
  681. non·op·er·at·ic
  682. non·op·er·at·ing
  683. non·op·er·a·tion·al
  684. non·op·er·a·tive
  685. non·op·ti·mal
  686. non·or·gan·ic
  687. non·or·tho·dox
  688. non·over·lap·ping
  689. non·own·er
  690. non·ox·i·diz·ing
  691. non·paid
  692. non·par·al·lel
  693. non·par·a·sit·ic
  694. non·par·ent
  695. non·par·tic·i·pant
  696. non·par·tic·i·pat·ing
  697. non·par·tic·i·pa·tion
  698. non·par·tic·i·pa·to·ry
  699. non·par·ty
  700. non·pas·sive
  701. non·past
  702. non·pay·ing
  703. non·pay·ment
  704. non·per·for·mance
  705. non·per·form·er
  706. non·per·ish·able
  707. non·per·mis·sive
  708. non·per·son·al
  709. non·pe·tro·leum
  710. non·phi·los·o·pher
  711. non·phil·o·soph·i·cal
  712. non·pho·ne·mic
  713. non·pho·net·ic
  714. non·phos·phate
  715. non·pho·to·graph·ic
  716. non·phys·i·cal
  717. non·phy·si·cian
  718. non·pla·nar
  719. non·plas·tic
  720. non·play
  721. non·play·ing
  722. non·po·et·ic
  723. non·poi·son·ous
  724. non·po·lar·iz·able
  725. non·po·lice
  726. non·po·lit·i·cal
  727. non·po·lit·i·cal·ly
  728. non·pol·i·ti·cian
  729. non·pol·lut·ing
  730. non·poor
  731. non·po·rous
  732. non·pos·ses·sion
  733. non·prac·ti·cal
  734. non·prac·tic·ing
  735. non·preg·nant
  736. non·print
  737. non·prob·lem
  738. non·pro·duc·ing
  739. non·pro·fes·sion·al
  740. non·pro·fes·sion·al·ly
  741. non·pro·fes·so·ri·al
  742. non·pro·gram
  743. non·pro·gram·mer
  744. non·pro·gres·sive
  745. non·pro·pri·etary
  746. non·psy·chi·at·ric
  747. non·psy·chi·a·trist
  748. non·psy·cho·log·i·cal
  749. non·psy·chot·ic
  750. non·pub·lic
  751. non·pu·ni·tive
  752. non·pur·po·sive
  753. non·quan·ti·fi·able
  754. non·quan·ti·ta·tive
  755. non·ra·cial
  756. non·ra·cial·ly
  757. non·ra·dio·ac·tive
  758. non·rail·road
  759. non·ran·dom
  760. non·ran·dom·ness
  761. non·rat·ed
  762. non·ra·tio·nal
  763. non·re·ac·tive
  764. non·re·ac·tor
  765. non·re·al·is·tic
  766. non·re·ap·point·ment
  767. non·re·ceipt
  768. non·re·cip·ro·cal
  769. non·rec·og·ni·tion
  770. non·re·cy·cla·ble
  771. non·re·duc·ing
  772. non·re·dun·dant
  773. non·re·fill·able
  774. non·re·flect·ing
  775. non·reg·u·lat·ed
  776. non·reg·u·la·tion
  777. non·rel·a·tive
  778. non·rel·e·vant
  779. non·re·li·gious
  780. non·re·new·able
  781. non·re·new·al
  782. non·re·pay·able
  783. non·rep·re·sen·ta·tive
  784. non·re·pro·duc·tive
  785. non·res·i·den·tial
  786. non·res·o·nant
  787. non·re·spon·dent
  788. non·re·spond·er
  789. non·re·sponse
  790. non·re·spon·sive
  791. non·re·strict·ed
  792. non·re·trac·tile
  793. non·ret·ro·ac·tive
  794. non·re·us·able
  795. non·re·vers·ible
  796. non·rev·o·lu·tion·ary
  797. non·rig·id
  798. non·ri·ot·er
  799. non·ri·ot·ing
  800. non·ro·tat·ing
  801. non·rou·tine
  802. non·roy·al
  803. non·rub·ber
  804. non·rul·ing
  805. non·ru·mi·nant
  806. non–Rus·sian
  807. non·sal·able
  808. non·sa·line
  809. non·sa·pon·i·fi·able
  810. non·schiz·o·phren·ic
  811. non·school
  812. non·sci·en·tif·ic
  813. non·sci·en·tist
  814. non·sea·son·al
  815. non·sec·re·tory
  816. non·se·cure
  817. non·sed·i·ment·able
  818. non·seg·re·gat·ed
  819. non·seg·re·ga·tion
  820. non·se·lect·ed
  821. non·se·lec·tive
  822. non–self–gov·ern·ing
  823. non·sen·sa·tion·al
  824. non·sen·si·tive
  825. non·sen·su·ous
  826. non·sen·tence
  827. non·sep·tate
  828. non·se·quen·tial
  829. non·se·quen·tial·ly
  830. non·se·ri·ous
  831. non·sex·ist
  832. non·sex·u·al
  833. non·shrink
  834. non·shrink·able
  835. non·sign·er
  836. non·si·mul·ta·neous
  837. non·sink·able
  838. non·skat·er
  839. non·skel·e·tal
  840. non·ski·er
  841. non·smok·er
  842. non·smok·ing
  843. non·so·cial·ist
  844. non·so·lar
  845. non·so·lu·tion
  846. non·spa·tial
  847. non·speak·er
  848. non·speak·ing
  849. non·spe·cial·ist
  850. non·spe·cif·ic
  851. non·spe·cif·i·cal·ly
  852. non·spec·tac·u·lar
  853. non·spec·u·la·tive
  854. non·speech
  855. non·spher·i·cal
  856. non·sta·tion·ary
  857. non·sta·tis·ti·cal
  858. non·steady
  859. non·sto·ry
  860. non·stra·te·gic
  861. non·struc·tur·al
  862. non·struc·tured
  863. non·stu·dent
  864. non·style
  865. non·sub·ject
  866. non·sub·jec·tive
  867. non·sub·si·dized
  868. non·suc·cess
  869. non·sug·ar
  870. non·su·per·im·pos·able
  871. non·su·per·vi·so·ry
  872. non·sur·gi·cal
  873. non·swim·mer
  874. non·sym·bol·ic
  875. non·sym·met·ric
  876. non·sym·met·ri·cal
  877. non·syn·chro·nous
  878. non·sys·tem·at·ic
  879. non·sys·tem·ic
  880. non·tar·iff
  881. non·tax·able
  882. non·teach·ing
  883. non·tech·ni·cal
  884. non·tem·po·ral
  885. non·ten·ured
  886. non·ter·mi·nal
  887. non·the·at·ri·cal
  888. non·the·ist
  889. non·the·is·tic
  890. non·theo·log·i·cal
  891. non·the·o·ret·i·cal
  892. non·ther·a·peu·tic
  893. non·think·ing
  894. non·tid·al
  895. non·to·bac·co
  896. non·ton·al
  897. non·to·tal·i·tar·i·an
  898. non·tox·ic
  899. non·tra·di·tion·al
  900. non·trans·fer·able
  901. non·treat·ment
  902. non·triv·i·al
  903. non·trop·i·cal
  904. non·tur·bu·lent
  905. non·typ·i·cal
  906. non·unan·i·mous
  907. non·uni·form
  908. non·uni·for·mi·ty
  909. non·union·ized
  910. non·unique
  911. non·unique·ness
  912. non·uni·ver·sal
  913. non·uni·ver·si·ty
  914. non·ur·ban
  915. non·ur·gent
  916. non·util·i·tar·i·an
  917. non·util·i·ty
  918. non·uto·pi·an
  919. non·val·id
  920. non·va·lid·i·ty
  921. non·vas·cu·lar
  922. non·veg·e·tar·i·an
  923. non·ven·om·ous
  924. non·vet·er·an
  925. non·vi·a·ble
  926. non·view·er
  927. non·vi·ral
  928. non·vir·gin
  929. non·vis·cous
  930. non·vi·su·al
  931. non·vo·cal
  932. non·vo·ca·tion·al
  933. non·vol·ca·nic
  934. non·vol·un·tary
  935. non·vot·er
  936. non·vot·ing
  937. non·wage
  938. non·war
  939. non·win·ning
  940. non·woody
  941. non·work
  942. non·work·er
  943. non·work·ing
  944. non·writ·er
  945. non·yel·low·ing

Origin of NON-

Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin non not, from Old Latin noenum, from ne- not + oinom, neuter of oinos one — more at no, one
NONCOMMITMENT Defined for Kids



Definition of NON- for Kids

:  not <nonfiction> <nonstop>
Medical Dictionary



Medical Definition of NON-

:  not :  reverse of :  absence of <nonallergic>


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