

noun mi·graine \ˈmī-ˌgrān, British often ˈmē-\

: a very bad headache

Full Definition of MIGRAINE

:  a condition marked by recurrent severe headache often with nausea and vomiting
:  an episode or attack of migraine
mi·grain·ous \-ˌgrā-nəs\ adjective

Origin of MIGRAINE

Middle English mygreyn, from Middle French migraine, modification of Late Latin hemicrania pain in one side of the head, from Greek hēmikrania, from hēmi- hemi- + kranion cranium
First Known Use: 15th century

Other Medicine Terms

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Medical Dictionary


noun mi·graine \ˈmī-ˌgrān, British often ˈmē-\

Medical Definition of MIGRAINE

:  a condition that is marked by recurrent usually unilateral severe headache often accompanied by nausea and vomiting and followed by sleep, that tends to occur in more than one member of a family, and that is of uncertain origin though attacks appear to be precipitated by dilatation of intracranial blood vessels
:  an episode or attack of migraine <suffers from migraines>—called also sick headache
mi·grain·ous \-ˌgrā-nəs\ adjective


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