

noun me·men·to \mə-ˈmen-(ˌ)tō, ÷mō-\

: something that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or thing

plural me·men·tos or me·men·toes

Full Definition of MEMENTO

:  something that serves to warn or remind; also :  souvenir

Origin of MEMENTO

Middle English, from Latin, remember, imperative of meminisse to remember; akin to Latin ment-, mens mind — more at mind
First Known Use: 1580
MEMENTOES Defined for Kids


noun me·men·to \mi-ˈmen-tō\
plural me·men·tos or me·men·toes

Definition of MEMENTO for Kids

:  something that serves as a reminder <She collected mementos on her trip.>


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