

adjective \ˈlōth, ˈth\\ˈth, ˈlōth\

: not wanting or willing to do something

Full Definition of LOATH

:  unwilling to do something contrary to one's ways of thinking :  reluctant
loath·ness noun

Variants of LOATH

loath also loth \ˈlōth, ˈth\ or loathe \ˈth, ˈlōth\

Origin of LOATH

Middle English loth loathsome, from Old English lāth; akin to Old High German leid loathsome, Old Irish lius loathing
First Known Use: 12th century

Synonym Discussion of LOATH

disinclined, hesitant, reluctant, loath, averse mean lacking the will or desire to do something indicated. disinclined implies lack of taste for or inclination <disinclined to move again> <disinclined for reading>. hesitant implies a holding back especially through fear or uncertainty <hesitant about asking for a date>. reluctant implies a holding back through unwillingness <a reluctant witness>. loath implies hesitancy because of conflict with one's opinions, predilections, or liking <seems loath to trust anyone>. averse implies a holding back from or avoiding because of distaste or repugnance <averse to hard work> <not averse to an occasional drink>.

Rhymes with LOATH

LOATHNESS Defined for Kids


adjective \ˈlōth, ˈth\

Definition of LOATH for Kids

:  not willing <He was loath to admit mistakes.>

Variants of LOATH

loath also loth \ˈlōth, ˈth\


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