

noun Jac·o·bin \ˈja-kə-bən\

Definition of JACOBIN

:  dominican
[French, from Jacobin Dominican; from the group's founding in the Dominican convent in Paris] :  a member of an extremist or radical political group; especially :  a member of such a group advocating egalitarian democracy and engaging in terrorist activities during the French Revolution of 1789
Jac·o·bin·ic \ˌja-kə-ˈbi-nik\ or Jac·o·bin·i·cal \-ni-kəl\ adjective
Jac·o·bin·ism \ˈja-kə-bə-ˌni-zəm\ noun

Origin of JACOBIN

Middle English, from Anglo-French jacopin, from Medieval Latin Jacobinus, from Late Latin Jacobus (St. James); from the location of the first Dominican convent in the street of St. James, Paris
First Known Use: 14th century

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