

adjective iron·ic \ˌī-ˈrä-nik also i-ˈrä-\

: using words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny

: strange or funny because something (such as a situation) is different from what you expected

Full Definition of IRONIC

:  relating to, containing, or constituting irony <an ironic remark> <an ironic coincidence>
:  given to irony <an ironic sense of humor>
iron·i·cal·ness \-ni-kəl-nəs\ noun

Variants of IRONIC

iron·ic also iron·i·cal \-ni-kəl\

First Known Use of IRONIC


Synonym Discussion of IRONIC

sarcastic, satiric, ironic, sardonic mean marked by bitterness and a power or will to cut or sting. sarcastic implies an intentional inflicting of pain by deriding, taunting, or ridiculing <a critic known for his sarcastic remarks>. satiric implies that the intent of the ridiculing is censure and reprobation <a satiric look at contemporary society>. ironic implies an attempt to be amusing or provocative by saying usually the opposite of what is meant <made the ironic observation that the government could always be trusted>. sardonic implies scorn, mockery, or derision that is manifested by either verbal or facial expression <surveyed the scene with a sardonic smile>.

Other Literature Terms

apophasis, bathos, bildungsroman, bowdlerize, caesura, coda, doggerel, euphemism, poesy, prosody
IRONICALNESS Defined for Kids


adjective iron·ic \ī-ˈrä-nik\

Definition of IRONIC for Kids

:  relating to, containing, or showing irony <It was ironic that the robber's car crashed into the police station.>
iron·i·cal·ly \-i-kə-lē\ adverb

Variants of IRONIC

iron·ic also iron·i·cal \-ni-kəl\


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