

noun ion·o·sphere \ī-ˈä-nə-ˌsfir\

Definition of IONOSPHERE

:  the part of the earth's atmosphere in which ionization of atmospheric gases affects the propagation of radio waves, which extends from about 30 miles (50 kilometers) to the exosphere, and which is contiguous with the upper portion of the mesosphere and the thermosphere; also :  a comparable region of charged particles surrounding another celestial body (as Venus)
ion·o·spher·ic \ˌī-ˌä-nə-ˈsfir-ik, -ˈsfer-\ adjective
ion·o·spher·i·cal·ly \-i-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

First Known Use of IONOSPHERE

IONOSPHERIC Defined for Kids


noun ion·o·sphere \ī-ˈä-nə-ˌsfir\

Definition of IONOSPHERE for Kids

:  the part of the earth's atmosphere beginning at an altitude of about 30 miles (50 kilometers) and extending outward that contains electrically charged particles


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