

noun hys·te·ria \his-ˈter-ē-ə, -ˈtir-\

: a state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way

: a situation in which many people behave or react in an extreme or uncontrolled way because of fear, anger, etc.

Full Definition of HYSTERIA

:  a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral functions
:  behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess <political hysteria>
hys·ter·ic \-ˈter-ik\ noun
hys·ter·i·cal \-ˈter-i-kəl\ also hysteric adjective
hys·ter·i·cal·ly \-i-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

Origin of HYSTERIA

New Latin, from English hysteric, adjective, from Latin hystericus, from Greek hysterikos, from hystera womb; from the Greek notion that hysteria was peculiar to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus
First Known Use: 1801

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HYSTERICALLY Defined for Kids


noun hys·te·ria \hi-ˈster-ē-ə\

Definition of HYSTERIA for Kids

:  a state in which emotions (as fear or joy) are so strong that a person acts in an uncontrolled way
Medical Dictionary


noun hys·te·ria \his-ˈter-ē-ə, -ˈtir-\

Medical Definition of HYSTERIA

a :  a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral functions without an organic basis b :  a similar condition in domestic animals
:  behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess


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