

verb heck·le \ˈhe-kəl\

: to interrupt (someone, such as a speaker or performer) by shouting annoying or rude comments or questions

heck·ledheck·ling \-k(ə-)liŋ\

Full Definition of HECKLE

transitive verb
:  to harass and try to disconcert with questions, challenges, or gibes :  badger
heck·ler \-k(ə-)lər\ noun

Origin of HECKLE

Middle English hekelen to dress flax, scratch, from heckele hackle; akin to Old High German hāko hook — more at hook
First Known Use: circa 1825

Synonym Discussion of HECKLE

bait, badger, heckle, hector, chivy, hound mean to harass by efforts to break down. bait implies wanton cruelty or delight in persecuting a helpless victim <baited the chained dog>. badger implies pestering so as to drive a person to confusion or frenzy <badgered her father for a car>. heckle implies persistent annoying or belligerent interruptions of a speaker <drunks heckled the stand-up comic>. hector carries an implication of bullying and domineering <football players hectored by their coach>. chivy suggests persecution by teasing or nagging <chivied the new student mercilessly>. hound implies unrelenting pursuit and harassing <hounded by creditors>.

Rhymes with HECKLE


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