

noun ge·nus \ˈjē-nəs, ˈje-\

biology : a group of related animals or plants that includes several or many different species

plural gen·era \ˈje-nə-rə\ also ge·nus·es

Full Definition of GENUS

:  a class, kind, or group marked by common characteristics or by one common characteristic; specifically :  a category of biological classification ranking between the family and the species, comprising structurally or phylogenetically related species or an isolated species exhibiting unusual differentiation, and being designated by a Latin or latinized capitalized singular noun
:  a class of objects divided into several subordinate species

Origin of GENUS

Latin gener-, genus birth, race, kind — more at kin
First Known Use: 1551

Other Biology Terms

autochthonous, fecund, homunculus, phylogeny, substrate

Rhymes with GENUS

GENUSES Defined for Kids


noun ge·nus \ˈjē-nəs\
plural gen·era \ˈje-nə-rə\

Definition of GENUS for Kids

:  a group of related living things (as plants or animals) that ranks below the family in scientific classification and is made up of one or more species
Medical Dictionary


noun ge·nus \ˈjē-nəs, ˈjen-əs\
plural gen·era \ˈjen-ə-rə\

Medical Definition of GENUS

:  a class, kind, or group marked by common characteristics or by one common characteristic; specifically :  a category of biological classification ranking between the family and the species, comprising structurally or phylogenetically related species or an isolated species exhibiting unusual differentiation, and designated by a Latin or latinized capitalized singular noun


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