

noun gem·mule \ˈjem-(ˌ)yül\

Definition of GEMMULE

:  a small bud:
a :  a theoretical particle proposed in the theory of pangenesis that is shed by a somatic cell and contains all the information necessary to reproduce that cell type (as in an offspring)
b :  a reproductive bud produced by freshwater and some marine sponges that consists of a usually hardened aggregate of cells

Origin of GEMMULE

French, from Latin gemmula, diminutive of gemma
First Known Use: circa 1828
Medical Dictionary


noun gem·mule \ˈjem-(ˌ)yü(ə)l\

Medical Definition of GEMMULE

:  a theoretical particle in the theory of pangenesis that is shed by a somatic cell and contains all the information necessary to reproduce that cell type (as in an offspring)
:  a minute thorny process of a nerve-cell dendrite


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