

adjective fa·vor·able \ˈfā-v(ə-)rə-bəl, ˈfā-vər-bəl\

: showing approval

: expressing approval : giving or providing what is desired

: giving a result that helps, benefits, or shows approval of someone

Full Definition of FAVORABLE

a :  disposed to favor :  partial
b :  expressing approval :  commendatory
c :  giving a result that is in one's favor <a favorable comparison>
d :  affirmative <a favorable reply>
:  winning approval :  pleasing <a favorable impression>
a :  tending to promote or facilitate :  advantageous <a favorable wind>
b :  marked by success
fa·vor·abil·i·ty \ˌfā-v(ə-)rə-ˈbi-lə-tē, ˌfā-vər-\ noun
fa·vor·able·ness noun
fa·vor·ably \ˌfā-v(ə-)rə-blē, ˌfā-vər-blē\ adverb

First Known Use of FAVORABLE

14th century

Synonym Discussion of FAVORABLE

favorable, auspicious, propitious mean pointing toward a happy outcome. favorable implies that the persons involved are approving or helpful or that the circumstances are advantageous <favorable weather conditions>. auspicious applies to something taken as a sign or omen promising success before or at the start of an event <an auspicious beginning>. propitious may also apply to beginnings but often implies a continuing favorable condition <a propitious time for starting a business>.
FAVORABLENESS Defined for Kids


adjective fa·vor·able \ˈfā-və-rə-bəl, ˈfāv-rə-\

Definition of FAVORABLE for Kids

:  showing approval <a favorable opinion>
:  tending to help <favorable weather>
fa·vor·ably \-blē\ adverb


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