

adjective faith·ful \ˈfāth-fəl\

: having or showing true and constant support or loyalty

: deserving trust : keeping your promises or doing what you are supposed to do

: not having sex with someone who is not your wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend

Full Definition of FAITHFUL

obsolete :  full of faith
:  steadfast in affection or allegiance :  loyal
:  firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty :  conscientious
:  given with strong assurance :  binding <a faithful promise>
:  true to the facts, to a standard, or to an original <a faithful copy>
faith·ful·ly \-fə-lē\ adverb
faith·ful·ness noun

First Known Use of FAITHFUL

14th century

Synonym Discussion of FAITHFUL

faithful, loyal, constant, staunch, steadfast, resolute mean firm in adherence to whatever one owes allegiance. faithful implies unswerving adherence to a person or thing or to the oath or promise by which a tie was contracted <faithful to her promise>. loyal implies a firm resistance to any temptation to desert or betray <remained loyal to the czar>. constant stresses continuing firmness of emotional attachment without necessarily implying strict obedience to promises or vows <constant friends>. staunch suggests fortitude and resolution in adherence and imperviousness to influences that would weaken it <a staunch defender of free speech>. steadfast implies a steady and unwavering course in love, allegiance, or conviction <steadfast in their support>. resolute implies firm determination to adhere to a cause or purpose <a resolute ally>.



Definition of FAITHFUL

plural in construction
a :  church members in full communion and good standing —used with the
b :  the body of believers in Islam —used with the
plural faithful or faithfuls :  one who is faithful; especially :  a loyal follower, member, or fan <party faithfuls>

First Known Use of FAITHFUL

circa 1533
FAITHFULS Defined for Kids


adjective faith·ful \ˈfāth-fəl\

Definition of FAITHFUL for Kids

:  firm in devotion or support <a faithful friend>
:  reliable <a faithful worker>
:  true to the facts :  accurate <The model was a faithful copy of my grandfather's car.>
faith·ful·ly \-fə-lē\ adverb
faith·ful·ness noun

Synonym Discussion of FAITHFUL

faithful, loyal, and true mean firm in devotion to something. faithful is used of someone who has a firm and constant devotion to something to which he or she is united by or as if by a promise or pledge. <Always be faithful to your duty.> loyal is used of someone who firmly refuses to desert or betray someone or something. <Most volunteers are loyal to their country.> true is used of a person who is personally devoted to someone or something. <She was a true friend who would help in time of need.>


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