

noun eges·tion \i-ˈjes(h)-chən\

Definition of EGESTION

:  the act or process of discharging undigested or waste material from a cell or organism; specifically :  defecation
egest \i-ˈjest\ transitive verb
eges·tive \-ˈjes-tiv\ adjective

Origin of EGESTION

Middle English egestioun, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French egestion, from Latin egestion-, egestio, from egerere to carry outside, discharge, from e- + gerere to carry
First Known Use: 1547
Medical Dictionary


noun eges·tion \i-ˈjes(h)-chən\

Medical Definition of EGESTION

:  the act or process of discharging undigested or waste material from a cell or organism; specifically :  defecation
egest \i-ˈjest\ transitive verb
eges·tive \-ˈjes-tiv\ adjective


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