

noun dys·lex·ia \dis-ˈlek-sē-ə\

medical : a condition in the brain that makes it hard for a person to read, write, and spell

Full Definition of DYSLEXIA

:  a variable often familial learning disability involving difficulties in acquiring and processing language that is typically manifested by a lack of proficiency in reading, spelling, and writing
dys·lex·ic \-sik\ adjective or noun

Origin of DYSLEXIA

New Latin, from dys- + Greek lexis word, speech, from legein to say — more at legend
First Known Use: circa 1888

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Rhymes with DYSLEXIA

DYSLEXIA Defined for Kids


noun dys·lex·ia \dis-ˈlek-sē-ə\

Definition of DYSLEXIA for Kids

:  a learning disability in which a person usually has a problem in reading, spelling, and writing
dys·lex·ic \-ˈlek-sik\ adjective
Medical Dictionary


noun dys·lex·ia \dis-ˈlek-sē-ə\

Medical Definition of DYSLEXIA

:  a variable often familial learning disability involving difficulties in acquiring and processing language that is typically manifested by a lack of proficiency in reading, spelling, and writing


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