

verb dis·con·tin·ue \ˌdis-kən-ˈtin-(ˌ)yü\

: to end (something)

: to stop making or offering (a product, service, etc.)

Full Definition of DISCONTINUE

transitive verb
:  to break the continuity of :  cease to operate, administer, use, produce, or take
:  to abandon or terminate by a legal discontinuance
intransitive verb
:  to come to an end
dis·con·tin·u·a·tion \-kən-ˌtin-yə-ˈwā-shən, -yü-ˈā-\ noun


Middle English, from Anglo-French discontinuer, from Medieval Latin discontinuare, from Latin dis- + continuare to continue
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of DISCONTINUE

stop, cease, quit, discontinue, desist mean to suspend or cause to suspend activity. stop applies to action or progress or to what is operating or progressing and may imply suddenness or definiteness <stopped at the red light>. cease applies to states, conditions, or existence and may add a suggestion of gradualness and a degree of finality <by nightfall the fighting had ceased>. quit may stress either finality or abruptness in stopping or ceasing <the engine faltered, sputtered, then quit altogether>. discontinue applies to the stopping of an accustomed activity or practice <we have discontinued the manufacture of that item>. desist implies forbearance or restraint as a motive for stopping or ceasing <desisted from further efforts to persuade them>.
DISCONTINUING Defined for Kids


verb dis·con·tin·ue \ˌdis-kən-ˈtin-yü\

Definition of DISCONTINUE for Kids

:  to bring to an end :  stop <She discontinued her weekly visits.>


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