

adjective cus·tom·ary \ˈkəs-tə-ˌmer-ē, -ˌme-rē\

: usually done in a particular situation or at a particular place or time

: usual or typical of a particular person

Full Definition of CUSTOMARY

:  based on or established by custom
:  commonly practiced, used, or observed
cus·tom·ar·i·ly \ˌkəs-tə-ˈmer-ə-lē, -ˈme-rə-\ adverb
cus·tom·ar·i·ness \ˈkəs-tə-ˌmer-ē-nəs, -ˌme-rē-\ noun

First Known Use of CUSTOMARY


Synonym Discussion of CUSTOMARY

usual, customary, habitual, wonted, accustomed mean familiar through frequent or regular repetition. usual stresses the absence of strangeness or unexpectedness <my usual order for lunch>. customary applies to what accords with the practices, conventions, or usages of an individual or community <the customary waiting period before the application is approved>. habitual suggests a practice settled or established by much repetition <a habitual morning routine>. wonted stresses habituation but usually applies to what is favored, sought, or purposefully cultivated <his wonted determination>. accustomed is less emphatic than wonted or habitual in suggesting fixed habit or invariable custom <accepted the compliment with her accustomed modesty>.
CUSTOMARILY Defined for Kids


adjective cus·tom·ary \ˈkə-stə-ˌmer-ē\

Definition of CUSTOMARY for Kids

:  usual in a particular situation or at a particular place or time <Throwing a … net was the customary method of capture. — Carl Hiaasen, Hoot>
:  typical of a particular person <She answered with her customary cheerfulness.>


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