

noun cock·a·too \ˈkä-kə-ˌtü\

: a type of large parrot from Australia that has a large colorful bunch of feathers on top of its head

plural cock·a·toos

Full Definition of COCKATOO

:  any of various large noisy chiefly Australasian crested parrots (family Cacatuidae and especially genus Cacatua)

Illustration of COCKATOO

Origin of COCKATOO

Dutch kaketoe, from Malay kakatua
First Known Use: 1634
COCKATOOS Defined for Kids


noun cock·a·too \ˈkä-kə-ˌtü\
plural cock·a·toos

Definition of COCKATOO for Kids

:  a large, noisy, and usually brightly colored crested parrot mostly of Australia
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