

noun coc·cyx \ˈkäk-siks\

: the small bone at the end of the spine

plural coc·cy·ges \ˈkäk-sə-ˌjēz\ also coc·cyx·es \ˈkäk-sik-səz\

Full Definition of COCCYX

:  a small bone that articulates with the sacrum and that usually consists of four fused vertebrae which form the terminus of the spinal column in humans and tailless apes

Origin of COCCYX

New Latin, from Greek kokkyx cuckoo, coccyx; from its resemblance to a cuckoo's beak
First Known Use: 1615
Medical Dictionary


noun coc·cyx \ˈkäk-siks\
plural coc·cy·ges \ˈkäk-sə-ˌjēz\ also coc·cyx·es \ˈkäk-sik-səz\

Medical Definition of COCCYX

:  a small bone that articulates with the sacrum and that usually consists of four fused vertebrae which form the terminus of the spinal column

Illustration of COCCYX


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