

noun cher·ry \ˈcher-ē, ˈche-rē\

: a small round fruit that is usually red or black

: a tree on which this fruit grows

: the wood of a cherry tree

plural cherries

Full Definition of CHERRY

a :  any of numerous trees and shrubs (genus Prunus) of the rose family that bear pale yellow to deep red or blackish smooth-skinned drupes enclosing a smooth seed and that include some cultivated for their fruits or ornamental flowers — compare sour cherry, sweet cherry
b :  the fruit of a cherry
c :  the reddish-brown wood of a cherry; especially :  black cherry 2
:  a variable color averaging a moderate red
a :  hymen
b :  virginity
cher·ry·like \-ˌlīk\ adjective

Origin of CHERRY

Middle English chery, from Anglo-French cherise, cirice (taken as a plural), from Late Latin ceresia, from Latin cerasus cherry tree, from Greek kerasos
First Known Use: 14th century
CHERRYLIKE Defined for Kids


noun cher·ry \ˈcher-ē\
plural cherries

Definition of CHERRY for Kids

:  the small round yellow to deep red smooth-skinned fruit of a tree that is related to the plum tree
:  a medium red
Medical Dictionary


noun cher·ry \ˈcher-ē\
plural cherries

Medical Definition of CHERRY

:  any of numerous trees and shrubs (genus Prunus) of the rose family that bear pale yellow to deep red or blackish smooth-skinned drupes enclosing a smooth seed and that belong to any of several varieties including some cultivated for their fruits or ornamental flowers
:  the fruit of a cherry


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