

noun \ˈbē\

Definition of BEE

:  any of numerous hymenopterous insects (superfamily Apoidea) that differ from the related wasps especially in the heavier hairier body and in having sucking as well as chewing mouthparts, that feed on pollen and nectar, and that store both and often also honey — see africanized bee, bumblebee, carpenter bee, honeybee, sweat bee
:  an eccentric notion :  fancy
bee·like \-ˌlīk\ adjective
bee in one's bonnet
:  1bee 2

Origin of BEE

Middle English, from Old English bēo; akin to Old High German bīa bee, Old Irish bech, Lithuanian bitis
First Known Use: before 12th century

Other Insect Terms

drone, entomology, gadfly, pismire, proboscis, vespine

Rhymes with BEE

b, be, c, cay, cee, Cree, d, dee, Dee, dree, e, fee, flea, flee, free, g, gee, ghee, glee, gree, he, key, Key, knee, lea, lee, me, mi, p, pea, pee, plea, pree, quay, re, Rhee, scree, sea, see, she, si, ski, spree, sri, t, tea, tee, the, thee, three, ti, tree, twee, Twi, v, vee, we, wee, whee, ye, z, zee



Definition of BEE

:  the letter b

First Known Use of BEE

14th century

Other Alphabet Terms

cuneiform, linear, minuscule, pictograph, rune, symbology, wedge



Definition of BEE

:  a gathering of people for a specific purpose <a quilting bee>

Origin of BEE

perhaps from English dialect been help given by neighbors, from Middle English bene prayer, boon, from Old English bēn prayer — more at boon
First Known Use: 1769



Definition of BEE

bachelor of electrical engineering

Other Education Terms

baccalaureate, colloquium, corequisite, dissertation, monograph, pedant, practicum, survey course, thesis
BEELIKE Defined for Kids


noun \ˈbē\

Definition of BEE for Kids

:  an insect with four wings that is related to the wasps, gathers pollen and nectar from flowers from which it makes beebread and honey for food, and usually lives in large colonies
:  a gathering of people to do something together or engage in a competition <a spelling bee>
Medical Dictionary


noun \ˈbē\

Medical Definition of BEE

:  honeybee; broadly :  any of numerous hymenopteran insects (superfamily Apoidea) that differ from the related wasps especially in the heavier hairier body and in having sucking as well as chewing mouthparts, that feed on pollen and nectar, and that store both and often also honey—see africanized bee


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