

noun suffix or pronoun suffix \s after voiceless consonants other than s, sh, ch; z after vowels and voiced consonants other than z, zh, j; əz after s, sh, ch, z, zh, j\

Definition of -'S

—used to form the possessive of singular nouns <boy's>, of plural nouns not ending in s <children's>, of some pronouns <anyone's>, and of word groups functioning as nouns <the man in the corner's hat> or pronouns <someone else's>

Origin of -'S

Middle English -es, -s, genitive singular ending, from Old English -es; akin to Old High German -es, genitive singular ending, Greek -oio, -ou, Sanskrit -asya
-'S Defined for Kids


noun suffix or pronoun suffix

Definition of -'S for Kids

—used to form the possessive of singular nouns <elephant's>, of plural nouns not ending in s <children's>, and of some pronouns <anyone's>
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